Patrick George Casey's Memorial Website | Ever Loved


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In lieu of flowers

In lieu of flowers, consider a gift to Utah Down Syndrome Foundation.


Patrick (Pete) George Casey passed peacefully on November 13, 2022, surrounded by his loving wife and family after a long battle with cancer. Pete was born in Dublin, Ireland, on April 26, 1945, to Mary and Maurice Casey. He was the second youngest of nine children. His parents, James Casey, Marie McCarrick, and Christopher Casey, preceded him in death. He is survived by Noel Casey, John Casey, Francis Casey, Joe Casey, Thomas Casey, and many …

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Community Involvement


Attendee of

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Volunteered for

Volunteer of

Hibernian Society

Volunteer of

Boy Scouts of America


What were Patrick's favorite performances to watch?
He loved parades!
He loved parades!
He loved parades!
What were Patrick's favorite games to play?
Rummy and Scrabble
Rummy and Scrabble
Rummy and Scrabble
What were Patrick's favorite tv shows?
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
What were Patrick's favorite songs or musical artists?
Ava Maria
Ava Maria
Ava Maria




April 26th, 1945


London, UK

Got married to Barbara Eileen Dredge

May 12th, 1972
Idaho Falls, ID

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Patrick Casey